561 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Disparities in Education: The Case of Primary School Completion Rates in Bolivia

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    The Education Reform Program launched in the mid-1990s by the Government of Bolivia had important accomplishments, particularly by increasing the coverage of primary education. However, the high rates of coverage observed at national level conceal the inequality in the distribution of schooling across children from different income groups, from indigenous households or even among municipalities from different areas of the country. This document intends to present a brief diagnosis of disparities in education access an attainment exploring data at individual and municipal level. The document finds that children from low-income families, indigenous groups and/or rural areas are less likely to finish primary school. Similar disparities are evident when observing data at municipal level. High poverty incidence, high indigenous-groups concentration and high dispersion of the population, are basic characteristics of municipalities with low primary school completion rates. The document also suggests a simple methodology that allows to identify municipalities that are high performers and low performers. This approach combines quantitative and qualitative analysis and may well bring to light important actions that could be undertaken in the poorly performing school districts to improve their ability to improve their performanceEducation disparities analysis of education.

    Aroma in New Make Whiskey Determined by Maize Variety and Origin

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    The objective of this study was to determine the influence of different maize growth location and different maize varieties on new-make whiskey aroma development. Three maize varieties (Dyna-Gro – D57VP51; Mycogen – 2 C797; Terral Seed – REV25BHR26) were selected to grow in three geographically different locations (Calhoun County, TX; Monte Alto, TX; Sawyer Farms, Hillsboro, TX); a fourth location (Perryton, TX) was selected to grow one of the three varieties (Terral Seed – REV25BHR26). The maize was processed into new-make whiskey by the head distiller at Firestone & Robertson Distilling, Company, Fort Worth, TX. A new-make whiskey lexicon was developed and used to train a descriptive aroma panel. The lexicon was also used to test ground maize aroma with minor modifications. New-make whiskey was diluted to 40 proof (20% alcohol by volume) 15 minutes prior to analysis. Maize samples were ground less than an hour prior to trained aroma panel analysis. GC/MS – olfactory new-make whiskey and maize samples were collected on the same day and from the same batch used in sensory analysis. Results were analyzed with the main effects of a 3 x 3 + 1 factorial of a completely randomized design to include all locations and environments; and as a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement of a completely randomized design, excluding Perryton, which did not grow all maize varieties. Maize growth location and maize varieties induced differences in new-make whiskey and maize aroma. Maize growth locations and maize varieties created significant (P < 0.05) differences in new-make whiskey volatile composition, affecting acids, alcohols, aldehydes, alkanes, esters, furans, ketones, and sulfur-containing compounds; alcohols, aldehydes, and esters were the major volatile compound groups affected while maize varieties most affected alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones. Maize growth locations, maize varieties, and their interaction showed significant differences in volatiles, fatty acid composition, starch, crude protein, lipid content, as well as estimated alcohol by volume

    Aroma in New Make Whiskey Determined by Maize Variety and Origin

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    The objective of this study was to determine the influence of different maize growth location and different maize varieties on new-make whiskey aroma development. Three maize varieties (Dyna-Gro – D57VP51; Mycogen – 2 C797; Terral Seed – REV25BHR26) were selected to grow in three geographically different locations (Calhoun County, TX; Monte Alto, TX; Sawyer Farms, Hillsboro, TX); a fourth location (Perryton, TX) was selected to grow one of the three varieties (Terral Seed – REV25BHR26). The maize was processed into new-make whiskey by the head distiller at Firestone & Robertson Distilling, Company, Fort Worth, TX. A new-make whiskey lexicon was developed and used to train a descriptive aroma panel. The lexicon was also used to test ground maize aroma with minor modifications. New-make whiskey was diluted to 40 proof (20% alcohol by volume) 15 minutes prior to analysis. Maize samples were ground less than an hour prior to trained aroma panel analysis. GC/MS – olfactory new-make whiskey and maize samples were collected on the same day and from the same batch used in sensory analysis. Results were analyzed with the main effects of a 3 x 3 + 1 factorial of a completely randomized design to include all locations and environments; and as a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement of a completely randomized design, excluding Perryton, which did not grow all maize varieties. Maize growth location and maize varieties induced differences in new-make whiskey and maize aroma. Maize growth locations and maize varieties created significant (P < 0.05) differences in new-make whiskey volatile composition, affecting acids, alcohols, aldehydes, alkanes, esters, furans, ketones, and sulfur-containing compounds; alcohols, aldehydes, and esters were the major volatile compound groups affected while maize varieties most affected alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones. Maize growth locations, maize varieties, and their interaction showed significant differences in volatiles, fatty acid composition, starch, crude protein, lipid content, as well as estimated alcohol by volume

    Relaciones entre los recursos y el consumo de alcohol y tabaco en adolescentes

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    En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de las relaciones entre los recursos de los adolescentes y el consumo de alcohol y tabaco. Los participantes fueron 350 adolescentes mexicanos que cursaban estudios de secundaria, bachillerato o formación profesional. Se utilizó la Escala de Autoconcepto (AF5) el Cuestionario de Valores (VAL), el Cuestionario de Afrontamiento Familiar (CAF), la prueba para identificar Trastornos por el Uso de Alcohol (AUDIT) y el Cuestionario para detectar la Dependencia al Tabaco. Los resultados muestran que las dimensiones de la autoestima, la familiar, la social y la emocional, son las que mejor predicen el consumo de alcohol. Respecto de los valores, la estimulación y el hedonismo tienen una relación positiva con el consumo y una relación negativa con la conformidad y la tradición. También, los adolescentes no fumadores utilizan en mayor medida la reestructuración, el apoyo espiritual y la evaluación pasiva como estrategias de afrontamiento y cuentan con mejor autoestima en los ámbitos social, emocional y familiar

    Concepciones de formadores de profesores sobre la modelación matemática y la relación con sus prácticas de enseñanza

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    Este estudio indaga las concepciones sobre la modelación matemática de dos formadores de profesores y su relación con los objetivos, los tipos de problemas y las dinámicas de clase que ellos llevan a cabo; para esto, se emplearon diferentes instrumentos de recolección de información tales como entrevistas, cuestionarios escritos y observaciones de clase. Los principales hallazgos en relación con la concepción de los profesores sobre la modelación dan cuenta de esta como un proceso de construcción de un modelo a partir de un enunciado, que la mayoría de veces, requiere un cambio de representación matemática, atendiendo principalmente al propósito de reforzar los conceptos propios de la disciplina; además, que son pocos los espacios que se dan para que los futuros maestros vivan experiencias que relacionan las matemáticas formales con su cotidianidad

    Fuentes de variabilidad de la elastografía transitoria hepática y mejoría de su capacidad predicitiva para el diagnóstico de hipertensión portal clínicamente significativa en pacientes con cirrosis compensada

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina, leída el 27-11-2014The most common and severe complication of liver cirrhosis is portal hypertension, which represents the most relevant factor regarding prognosis. Portal hypertension syndrome is defined as an increase in portal pressure gradient above the normal range (1-5 mmHg). In order to develop, esophageal varices, ascites, bleeding, encephalopathy and all other complications associated with this syndrome require a portal pressure gradient above 10 mmHg. The term clinically significant portal hypertension (CSPH) has been coined to define this condition, which is always present in patients with decompensated liver disease. Approximately 50% to 70% of patients with compensated disease have CSPH, which in turn is an independent predictive factor for clinical decompensation. Similarly, esophageal varices are present at the time of cirrhosis diagnosis in 40% of compensated patients and 60% of patients with ascites. The gold standard in assessing portal pressure is the measurement of hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG), which is the difference between the wedged (WHVP) and the free hepatic venous pressures (FHVP). This measurement is performed by catheterization of the suprahepatic veins. While this is the most accurate and reliable method currently available, it is an invasive technique requiring specialized materials and personal not available in all health care centers. Therefore, it cannot be routinely used in all units caring for patients with liver diseases...Depto. de MedicinaFac. de MedicinaTRUEunpu

    El saber y las TIC: ¿brecha digital o brecha institucional?

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    Las TIC se han constituido en una estrategia fundamental para el logro de cambios pedagógicos porque generan redes de conocimiento, modifican la actitud de los sujetos involucrados en el aprendizaje y mejoran sustantivamente la calidad de la educación. Por ello, se ha instalado la discusión acerca de la enorme necesidad de trabajar sobre los actores, tanto en la capacitación de profesores y alumnos como en las problemáticas planteadas por el encuentro entre nativos versus inmigrantes digitales. Asimismo, una problemática menos evidente pero igualmente compleja es aquella que aparece al confrontar la escuela como institución con su capacidad de respuesta y flexibilidad frente a los cambios necesarios para la inclusión de las TIC. Hasta ahora dichos cambios se han producido dentro de las políticas curriculares -poniendo a las TIC como una más de las necesidades de aprendizaje de los escolares y otorgándoles un lugar en el orden establecido de los marcos curriculares-, y no como un espacio transversal que atraviese el cambio institucional y social que se espera. El choque, entonces, no se produce solo entre los niveles de conocimiento o involucramiento de los sujetos con las nuevas tecnologías, sino también entre estas y la capacidad de la escuela de aceptar cambios profundos e inherentes a la inserción de las TIC, que pueden atentar contra su identidad institucional, como por ejemplo la horizontalidad y multiplicidad de fuentes del saber, el conocimiento de acceso libre, etcétera

    La enseñanza de la historia en Diseño Industrial. Consideraciones pedagógicas al respecto

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    Ponencia presentada en el XI Encuentro Latinoamericano de Diseño "Diseño en Palermo". VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Enseñanza del Diseño. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 2016En la formación de diseñadores industriales, las Ciencias Sociales, y la Historia en particular nos enfrenta a unarealidad singular. El estudiante presenta voluntad de dibujar, modelar y crear a la vez, la resistencia a la lectura es expresa.Este es el desafío que debemos enfrentar, parafraseando a Merieur, a través de estrategias, que posibiliten al estudiante "hacerse obra de sí mismo", generando proposiciones concretas a fin de educar sin "fabricar", y así descubrir caminos alternativos, que posicionen al alumno en el espacio de protagonista, logrando de este modo que "haga" de la historia unaherramienta más, para materializar sus ideas.http://fido.palermo.edu/servicios_dyc/publicacionesdc/vista/detalle_articulo.php?id_libro=601&id_articulo=12514Fil: Ochoa, Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Agusto, Fabiana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaOtras Ciencias Sociale

    Concentração de mercado no Equador : uma análise da intervenção por parte da entidade de regulação superintendência de controlo do poder de mercado, a partir da sua criação

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia IndustrialO funcionamento dos mercados não produz resultados eficientes por si só, essas condições são conhecidas como falhas de mercado e justificam a intervenção do Estado. Os possíveis efeitos de uma operação de concentração de mercado, variam entre melhorar a eficiência para as empresas, bem como possíveis prejuízos à livre concorrência ou à sociedade. O presente estudo realiza uma análise sobre a concentração por atividade económica das empresas ativas no Equador, para os anos 2011 e 2016, destacando os resultados da intervenção por parte da entidade de regulação Superintendência de Controlo e Poder de Mercado, SCPM, que entrou em vigor no ano 2012. A partir desta informação, determina-se a alteração na concentração em cada uma das atividades económicas, no país, juntamente com a influência das políticas de regulação que contribuíram na tentativa de combater as práticas anti concorrenciais. Para isto, analisam-se os resultados no quadro geral de concentração económica do país, antes e durante a existência do SCPM, através do índice Herfindahl-Hirschman. Por outro lado, identificam-se as contribuições da intervenção da SCPM na concentração de mercado e práticas de abuso de poder, juntamente com a perspetiva dos atores da instituição que foram parte do processo de regulação. Os resultados permitem concluir que, no período observado, a economia, na análise geral por atividade económica, não apresenta resultados de concentração. Em relação às contribuições do SCPM, na análise por subactividade ou mercado relevante que a entidade realiza, existiram práticas anticoncorrenciais potencialmente prejudiciais à economia, que foram avaliadas e corrigidas no momento pela entidade.The functioning of the markets does not produce efficient results by itself, these conditions are known as market failures and justify the intervention of the State. The possible effects of market concentration can vary between improving the efficiency and competitiveness of firms, as well as possible harm to free competition or to society. The present study analyzes the concentration by economic activity of the active companies in Ecuador, for the years 2011 and 2016, highlighting the results of the intervention by the Superintendence of Control and Market Power (SCPM), which came into force in 2012. Based on this information, the change in concentration in each of the economic activities, in the economic sphere is determined, with the influence of the regulatory policies that contributed in the attempt to combat anti-competitive practices in the Ecuadorian economic sector. For this, were analyzed the results in the general economic concentration of the country, through the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, which, determines the level of concentration. On the other hand, were identified the contributions by the regulatory intervention of the SCPM, along with the perspective of the actors were involved in the regulation process. The results allow to conclude that, in the observed period, the economy, in the analysis by economic activity, does not present concentration results between 2011 and 2016. Regarding SCPM contributions, in the sub-activity or relevant market analysis carried out by the regulator entity, there were anticompetitive practices potentially damaging to the economy, which were evaluated and corrected at the time.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Time perspective, locus of control and their influence on Academic Achievement

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    The Time Paradox is a relatively new theory that was created by Phillip Zimbardo and John Boyd in 2008. This theory claims that every human being has a specific time perception. With this perception, the individual will drive all his/her toughts, actions, believes and reactions according to that vision. All their life goals, experiences, expectations and imaging scenarios will be related with their visión on present, past or future. Consequently, because all of his/her actions are controlled, this means that his/her perception of control might vary as well. This means that depending on the individual’s time perception, the person can have an internal or external locus of control, and his/her level of self-control may oscillate too As it can be seen, the life path of the person is influenced by these perceptions, so it is important to analyze the possible relations between these variables. This paper will analyze these variables (Time Perspective and Locus of Control) and their influence on the individual’s performance, specifically in university (Academic Performance/GPA). Additionally, variables such as gender and career will be taking into consideration to analyze possible differences between individuals.La Paradoja del Tiempo es una teoría relativamente nueva que fue creada por Phillip Zimbardo y John Boyd en 2008. Esta teoría afirma que todo ser humano tiene una percepción de tiempo específica. Con esta percepción, el individuo conduce todos sus pensamientos, acciones, creencias y reacciones. Todos sus objetivos, experiencias, expectativas y escenarios imaginarios se encuentran estrictamente relacionados con su visión sobre el presente, pasado o futuro. Consecuentemente, debido a que todas sus acciones son influenciadas, su percepción de control puede variar también. Esto significa que, dependiendo de en qué tiempo viva el individuo, la persona puede tener un Locus de Control Interno o Externo, y su nivel de autocontrol puede también oscilar. Como se puede observar, el camino de vida de la persona se ve completamente influenciado por estas percepciones, por lo que es de suma importancia analizar las posibles relaciones que hay entre estas variables. Esta tesis se encargará de analizar específicamente estas variables (Percepción del Tiempo y Locus de Control) y su influencia sobre el desempeño del individuo, específicamente en la universidad (Desempeño Académico). Adicionalmente, variables como género y carrera serán consideradas para realizar mejores análisis entre los individuos